Second home rental

Do you have a second home in Eindhoven or surroundings that is little or not occupied and would you like to rent it out? Brick real estate is the specialist in the rental of homes in Eindhoven and surroundings.

Why rent out your second home?

Renting out your second home is in most cases a very good idea, when you rent out your second home to third parties you provide an additional source of income through the rent that the tenants pay to you. At the same time, you remain the owner of the house and benefit from any price increases in the housing market. In this way, your property becomes more valuable and you also earn additional income from it.

Are you interested in renting out your second home? Then contact us without obligation.

Contactform Call:040-2116149

Renting out your second home through Brick real estate.

Despite the fact that at first glance it seems very attractive to rent out your second home yourself, there is still a lot to do.
For example, there are quite a few laws and regulations to take into account and selecting a reliable and creditworthy tenant is easier said than done.
Brick real estate is the expert when it comes to renting out a second home. We take the entire process of renting out your property out of your hands, the steps we go through with you are as follows:

  1. Listing your property
  2. Finding a suitable tenant
  3. Giving viewings
  4. Screening of prospective tenants
  5. Drafting the rental agreement
  6. Payments and release of lease
  7. Inspection and key transfer

As you can see, we take all your worries off your hands and we have a lot of experience in mediating between companies, expats and homeowners. Eindhoven is home to many large companies such as Philips, ASML and NATO. These companies are regularly looking for housing for their employees who come from abroad to work in Eindhoven for several years. Renting out your second home to these so-called expats is one of our specialties within the rental agency business.

Are you interested in renting out your second home? Please contact us without obligation.

