
The information shown on this website has been meticulously compiled by Brick Vastgoed B.V., yet even so can not be held liable for the accuracy or completeness thereof, as this information is in part dependant on the input of third parties. Brick Vastgoed B.V. uses this website purely to provide information about products and services offered by Brick Vastgoed B.V. or for which it arbitrates. No rights may be derived from the information provided. Changes may be made without prior notification. Brick Vastgoed B.V. accepts no liability for any interruptions in the functioning of this website.

Brick Vastgoed B.V. accepts no liability for the accuracy and completeness of the rates and other such details provided by third parties and other users/visitors listed on in this website. Although Brick Vastgoed B.V. will do its utmost in preventing misuse, Brick Vastgoed B.V. can not be held liable for information and/or messages sent via the Internet by users of or visitors to the website
References made to sites not maintained by Brick Vastgoed B.V. are included purely to inform the visitor. Although Brick Vastgoed B.V. is extremely selective in site referrals it can not be held liable for either the content or functioning thereof; nor for the quality of potential products and/or services offered thereon. Brick Vastgoed B.V. disclaims all liabilities made on sites it does not maintain
The user/visitor providing information which relates to the use of this website and the service Brick Vastgoed B.V. provides will ensure the accuracy and completeness of the aforementioned details, nor that they infringe on the intellectual property rights of third parties. The visitor/user indemnifies Brick Vastgoed B.V. for claims made by third parties with regard to the inaccuracy and/or incompleteness of the aforementioned details and/or the (alleged) infringement of the intellectual property rights of third parties.
Barring prior written permission by Brick Vastgoed B.V. it is not permissible to utilize in any way whatsoever the information shown on this website by which it is understood to mean texts, illustrations, photos, graphic material, (corporate) names, logos, trade names or service names. The content of this website may only be used for non-commercial, private ends. The user of / visitor to the site is prohibited from duplicating, forwarding, distributing, circulating or making available to third parties for payment the site's content without prior written consent by Brick Vastgoed B.V..

Privacy statement

Personal details
Brick Vastgoed B.V. is the webmaster of the site www.brickvastgoed.nl. Your personal details are used by Brick Vastgoed B.V. for the purpose of providing you with the services listed on the website, and as such to enable you to utilize our site in such a way so as to take into account your preferences and interests. This personal approach is made possible by saving certain information. We do of course respect and safeguard your privacy by complying with the European Privacy Guideline (95/46/EU) and the Data Protection Act.
Below is stated which personal details are processed by Brick Vastgoed B.V., the purposes for which they are processed as well as the way in which your personal details can be viewed, and amended if necessary.
Which personal details are processed?
In any case Brick Vastgoed B.V. processes the information provided by you (for example the email address, name, postal address, reactions, interests and preferences submitted by you). In principle Brick Vastgoed B.V. will not process special personal details which may include: race, religious faith, philosophies of life, sexual orientation, political leaning, health related data, criminal records or trade union membership. However, Brick Vastgoed B.V. does retain the option to process this special data under the condition you have provided prior consent or have made this data public.
Quantified data
Moreover, Brick Vastgoed B.V. keeps abreast of the subjects and/or applications visitors are interested in by, amongst other things, examining which subjects or websites are most frequently visited. This data is processed by Brick Vastgoed B.V. on an aggregate, anonymous basis, for use by Brick Vastgoed B.V., or to make available to third parties. They can best be compared with television viewing figures and radio listening figures. For example one could think of comparable research data, such as "visitors who read articles on cigars often read articles about golf". For this no personal details are processed and the anonymity of each individual visitor is safeguarded. Using this information Brick Vastgoed B.V. comprehensively examine which website subjects are found to be the most interesting to visitors, which in turn enables Brick Vastgoed B.V. to better attune the website to the visitor's interests
In order to collect the aforementioned data Brick Vastgoed B.V. will send a small file, known as a cookie, to your computer. A cookie is primarily intended to provide you with the possibility of downloading our site more quickly in the future. In addition a cookie can also ensure that when using a route planner your departure post code need not be repeatedly inputted. Lastly, a cookie simply tracks the way in which you utilize our website, which website you are visiting www.brickvastgoed.nl from, the duration of your visit, when you leave www.brickvastgoed.nl and which website you are next visiting (or logging out).
Brick Vastgoed B.V. partners operate their own privacy policies. Direct Housing is not, nor may be held, liable for any business or failure by a partner which contravenes legislation and regulation.
We at Brick Vastgoed B.V., use cookies for the following ends:
measuring Brick Vastgoed B.V. website user behaviour on an aggregate level www.brickvastgoed.nl. The purpose of this data is to: improve the online service provided by Brick Vastgoed B.V. and its (online) clients, based on aggregate data (thus not individual data). To retrieve similar data indirect third party cookies are used, which you may or may not (de)activate in your browser/Internet settings;
The provision of online services to individuals on an authorized basis. Direct cookies are used for this. These too may or may not be (de)activated in your browser/Internet settings. Should direct cookies be 'off' in your browser you may not be able to make full use of all the services the www.brickvastgoed.nl website offers its visitors/customers.
Should you not wish us to utilize cookies you will need to (de)activate these in your browser/Internet settings yourself. Should you accept cookies they will remain on your computer for five years unless you delete them (whether or not you do so automatically delete them from the setting on your computer/Internet). PLEASE NOTE: turning cookies off may limit the performance and your usage of our www.brickvastgoed.nl website
Purpose of data processing
Brick Vastgoed B.V. processes the aforementioned data in order to provide visitors who (wish to) utilize the services on the website with the services, and to provide them with the opportunity to make active use of the website; taking into account the personal preferences and interests of visitors. Over and above this Brick Vastgoed B.V. processes the data for generic relation management as well as for in-house acquisition / marketing purposes. The data is processed appropriately and meticulously pursuant to the law, and will not be processed any further in any way which is inconsistent with the original purposes for which Brick Vastgoed B.V. collated them. In no event shall Brick Vastgoed B.V. provide third parties (defined as persons or companies other than those listed in the Brick Vastgoed B.V. Group paragraph "Personal data"of this privacy statement) with your personal details for marketing purposes without your explicit consent.

Brick Vastgoed B.V. will take considerable care to undertake appropriate technical and organizational measures so as to safeguard personal data against loss or any form of unlawful processing. 
Data information and rights
You may request Brick Vastgoed B.V. not to use your details for the purposes of direct marketing by sending a message to the Brick Vastgoed B.V. Customer Service Team, for the attention of info@brickvastgoed.nl or by post to: Lodewijk Napoleonlaan 42A, 5616 BB Eindhoven. Upon receipt of such a request Brick Vastgoed B.V. shall take the necessary measures to cease the use of your personal details for the aforementioned purposes with immediate effect
If you are a company you will need to notify your in-house users of our service(es) of the possibility that Brick Vastgoed B.V. may use their personal data in the ways as outlined above. You will also need to notify them that they can request Brick Vastgoed B.V. not to use their personal details for direct marketing ends. Moreover, you may at all times contact Brick Vastgoed B.V. with the request to view the personal details in question which are (being) processed by Brick Vastgoed B.V.. This request can be made free of charge to the Brick Vastgoed B.V. Customer Service Team to the address listed at the top of this paragraph. Within four weeks of receipt of your request at Brick Vastgoed B.V. you shall receive an overview of the personal detail categories which are (being) processed by Brick Vastgoed B.V., as well as the actual personal details in question.
Should you believe your details to be incomplete, inaccurate or irrelevant to the purposes for which Brick Vastgoed B.V. is processing them, you can request Brick Vastgoed B.V. to rectify, supplement or delete them. This request can be made free of charge to the Brick Vastgoed B.V. Customer Service Team to the address listed at the top of this paragraph. Within four weeks of receipt of your request at Brick Vastgoed B.V. we shall inform you of the status of your request as well as the turnaround time required to implement any possible amendments.